Hermes vs Rothschild – Intellectual Property Rights in the Metaverse

The concept of “Metaverse”, in a simple and accessible language, refers to a virtual space where users interact in different ways. Metaverse offers a wide range of experiences and interactions, being a virtual space in continuous development, and with remarkable potential both for the user and for the companies that choose to transpose their products […]

Trademark licensing

Trademark licensing, also known as “leasing” the trademark  in the common language, is a mechanism for transferring trademark rights. Unlike the cession of the trademark, the mechanism by which the owner of a trademark permanently and unlimitedly alienates its rights over the trademark, through licensing the owner retains ownership of the trademark and part of […]

Why use the services of an Intellectual Property Counsel ?

The Intellectual Property Counsel is a person specialized in the field of intellectual property, who attended State Office for Inventions and Trademarks ( OSIM ) courses in the field and is part of the National Chamber of Industrial Property Advisors in Romania. Proceedings before intellectual property authorities require increased attention and a thorough knowledge base […]

Advantages of EU Trademarks over National Trademarks

Trademark rights have a territorial character, meaning that protection will be in force only in the country where the trademark is registered. If you want your mark to be protected in several EU countries, a good option is to apply for a European Union trade mark (EUTM), which is registered by the European Union Intellectual […]

European Trademarks

European trademarks are registered rights which have unitary effect throughout all of the 27 countries of the European Union. EU registered trademarks cannot be subdivided, assigned or otherwise divided on a state by state basis, but only as a European Union wide right. However, they can be licensed on an individual national basis. Since their […]

Find out why it is important to register a trademark

Right after setting up a company, usually there is no interest for the registration of the trademark. People tend to postpone that moment until the business grows and has almost full potential or, in unfortunate situations, until they have to deal with a problem related to trademarks. But what people actually don’t know is that […]