European Patent Filing



20 years protection as from the date of filing


Protection in 38 countries with a single application


Identifying errors and flaws in your documents


Eliminating the loopholes in your request


Steering clear of any legal problems in the future


Granting the possibility to market your invention

Get a free consultation today!

The European Patent Convention has established a single European procedure for the grant of patents on the basis of a single application. Moreover, the institution created a uniform body of substantive patent law designed to provide easier, cheaper and stronger protection for inventions in the contracting states.

European patents are granted by the European Patent Office in a centralised and thus cost-effective and time-saving procedure conducted in either English, French or German, its three official languages.

TAS Registration helps you obtain a European patent that gives its proprietor the same rights as would be conferred by a national patent granted in that state.

For filing a European patent application the following elements are requested: description, claims, abstract and drawings, certified priority copy with translation, if any. We can assist you in the entire process, guaranteeing your application success.


  • Intellectual Property Counsel authorised by the State Office
    for Inventions and Trademarks in Romania
  • EUIPO Professional Representative
  • Expertise in Intellectual Property conferred by World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
  • Geneva International Conference on Intellectual Property and Development
  • Certificate for completing the Summer School Geneva