EU Trademark Registration
One fee for protecting your trademark in all EU countries
One application at EUIPO
Protect your trademark in all 27 EU member states
Get your exclusive trademark right valid for 10 years
Renewal of ownership is done under the same conditions
Company Registration
Fast registration procedure (5 days)
The minimum for share capital is very low
3% taxes
Ease of access in workforce
Rising market in IT and Real Estate
Clarifying the various rights of copyright
Artistic work protection
Earning maximization
Fast copyright protection
Infringement or plagiarism avoidance
Domain Name Disputes
Time- and cost-efficient mechanisms
No court litigation
Brand reputation protection
Immediate cost savings
Ease of mind regarding your domain
IP Transactions & Audit
Fast IP transactions
Revenue growth
Systematic review of a company’s IP assets
Identification of risks and opportunities
Best practices implementation
Contracts and Licenses
Safeguard your business with proper contracts
Content protection
Risk reduction from user-generated content
Fast and personalised licensing
Revenue streams optimisation
European Patent Filing
One application at the EU level
Strong protection for inventions
Cost-effective and time-saving procedure
20 years validity
38 states valability
Why TAS Registration?
International trademark and brand search
Sign up and get a trademark certificate
Legal assistance and support
Our patent and trademark attorneys have been working in the field of IP protection for more than 12 years
Legal assistance and professional advice on intellectual property
EUIPO Professional Representatives