The importance of trademark renewal.

Renewing and maintaining a trademark is an essential step in ensuring continued brand protection. According to the Trademark Law (Law 84/1998) the registration of a trademark takes effect starting from the date of the regulatory filing of the trademark and has a validity of 10 years. After this deadline has expired, trademark renewal becomes an […]

European Observatory on Infringements of Intellectual Property Rights.

In the globalised and digitalised era of the 21st century, creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship are the central pillars of European economic, cultural and social wealth. In this context, the protection of intellectual property (IP) rights becomes essential. The European Observatory on Infringements of Intellectual Property Rights, part of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), […]

What to do in case of receiving a provisional refusal notice from OSIM?

Obtaining a trademark can be a crucial step to the success of a business. However, sometimes  the applicant may receive a notice of provisional refusal from OSIM (State Office for Inventions and Trademarks), signaling that your application does not meet certain legal conditions. In such situations, it is essential to address this issue appropriately, taking […]

Trademark licensing

Trademark licensing, also known as “leasing” the trademark  in the common language, is a mechanism for transferring trademark rights. Unlike the cession of the trademark, the mechanism by which the owner of a trademark permanently and unlimitedly alienates its rights over the trademark, through licensing the owner retains ownership of the trademark and part of […]

Why use the services of an Intellectual Property Counsel ?

The Intellectual Property Counsel is a person specialized in the field of intellectual property, who attended State Office for Inventions and Trademarks ( OSIM ) courses in the field and is part of the National Chamber of Industrial Property Advisors in Romania. Proceedings before intellectual property authorities require increased attention and a thorough knowledge base […]