Opening a company in Romania
If you are thinking about opening a company in Romania, in this article you will read which are the types of companies regulated by the Romanian laws in order to find out which suits you best. The registration procedure itself requires the fulfillment of certain legal formalities such as registration at the Trade Register and […]
Five Reasons why Trademarks are Important to your Business
The fundamental role of a trademark in business is to identify a product, service or concept and differentiate it from other similar products on the market. Although it also has a physical form that is generally conveyed by a name, a slogan and a symbol, the mark is primarily an intangible value, a sum of […]
Entering the European/Romanian market
If you have never thought of starting a business in Romania, now you should take this option into consideration. And there are some strong reasons to do so. In Romania, since 2018 there is a special exception on the tax regime: paying only 3% of taxes on a turnover of up to €1,000,000. This makes […]
Find out why it is important to register a trademark
Right after setting up a company, usually there is no interest for the registration of the trademark. People tend to postpone that moment until the business grows and has almost full potential or, in unfortunate situations, until they have to deal with a problem related to trademarks. But what people actually don’t know is that […]